What we do
K9 Sales and Training
If you’re looking to buy a K9, you’ve come to the right place.
At Southern Coast K9 we offer exceptional K9s for sale. Our prices are extremely competitive, and all our dogs come with X-rays and medical records.
Southern Coast K9 only selects dogs from Europe where the world’s best K9s have been bred for decades. Before shipping them to Southern Coast K9, trained overseas staff hand-select the pedigreed dogs for excellent health and temperament - and to fit Bill Heiser’s specifications: a dog must be sociable, well-rounded and possess an extreme hunt drive.
Once here, Bill and his team of K9 trainers carefully evaluate each young dog, assessing it for stamina, drive and level of aggression.
It is vital to make a good match when you buy a K9. We work with you in selecting the right dog for you. After all, you’re going to be a team – an affinity between you and your K9 teammate is essential if the best job is to be done.
The next step would be for you and your new K9 to learn to work together.
A comprehensive training course is key in developing a successful K9 team.
No K9 team comes ready-to-work. K9 handler training is critical for the success of the team. An intensive two-week program for the single-purpose detection dog, for example, is considered the minimal amount of time necessary for dog and handler to bond; and for you to learn all the techniques involved in K9 handling.
But the perfect team is not created overnight: should you at any time feel you need extra training, we will provide it at no additional cost. It is important to us that when you buy a K9 from Southern Coast K9 you get not only the best out of your K9 but that the K9 gets the best out of you.
We train K9 handlers from all over the United States, and we have K9s working everywhere from California to New York, even overseas.